Our mission is to elevate souls
through adorning bodies

Our mission is to elevate souls through adorning bodies



Ours Designs aims to create a space of expression and appreciation for the simplicity and beauty of our interconnected human experience. This intends to cut out anything we can attach to from a place of ignorance, lack of education or even a lack of compassion.

I wanted to combine in a epic love affair the strength in physicality that comes from working with metal and the pure, natural beauty in the diversity of the human form. As well as enhancing our inner powers and redefining them through symbolism and the use of worldly materials that activate our strengths.

Part of this project is honing in on the importance of understanding that we are undeniably all the same. When you strip away everything else, you see our bodies without size or colour, and you see that they are built to survive the same struggles, the same love, and the same essence of humanity.

This is not a space for blind spots, this is not a place for lack of acknowledgement of the importance of diversity and individuality. It is the opposite. It’s a space for the celebration of it all through art.

My pieces are just one form of anchor that act as a starting point to invite us to fall back in love with each other.

It is a honour to hand-make these talisman for those who choose to be adorned by them.

Peace and love,